FacebookZulu Media perform Facebook and Social Media Management for all kinds of companies with all types of budgets.

Average Cost – $195 to $395 per month.

Email for more info: sales@zulumedia.com.au

Why would you need Social Media Management?

TwitterTo make more sales! To reach more people!

To connect with your customers and create strong brand loyalty!


We take over the day to running of your Social Media, develop a proper strategy and make you cost effective videos, designed precisely for the Social Media platform and audience.

InstagramOn top of that, we can give you access to thousands and thousands of Social Media Users to promote your product and business.

We have live shows with ready made audiences for products to be demonstrated in, giving you access to those users for your videos too.

We reach 100,000 to 300,000 people per week with our Facebook promotions alone.

Click here for Testimonials.

Zulu Media and Citrus Studios also specialise in building Facebook profiles and very cost effective marketing campaigns using Social Media to drive traffic to your eStore or Retail Space.

Facebook / YouTube / Instagram Live

“Facebook reach is greatly increased with Live Video Content, this is the case with all Social Media Platforms.”

This is why we have developed a one-of-a-kind HD Camera System with TV quality microphones that we can take anywhere and live stream to any Social Media Platform.

Social Media is especially powerful if you’re trying to reach people and sell product on Facebook.

The Live Video below was shot live near Rottnest Island with this system in the most difficult of circumstances. You can see how we worked several products into the shoot to demonstrate how well they catch the fish.

We were also able to get the Ali-Craft branding prominent in the shots as we are helping build their brand and manage their Social Media.


Jim from Rockingham RV Centre has been utilising our Live Camera Rig to sell caravans live to his followers and other buy/sell pages with great success:


If you are not using Social Media to sell your products or services then you’re probably spending far too much.

Did you also know that our comprehensive testing proved that posting your video to Facebook and sharing it, on average got 23 TIMES THE VIEWS of just posting a YouTube link to the same video!

We’ll say that again. 23 times more views.

Paintseal Australia had their corporate YouTube Video pinned to Facebook for months for only 320 views. Ouch!

We recut the video, added more product shots and uploaded it correctly for Facebook to use. Within days the video had topped 7,000 views and reached 30,000 people!


How could they know they were doing it wrong? They couldn’t because they weren’t keeping up with Social Media changes weekly, even daily. But we do.

So what does Social Media Management Entail? Well we will:

  • Post on your platforms at the correct times and in the correct way using current best practice
  • Create content for you, video, photos and other interesting posts
  • Look for industry related content to share with your users
  • Give you access to our followers (12,000+)
  • Create Facebook Live shoots around your products
  • Integrate your products into our TV shows and segments

Email us today and we’ll show you just how easy and effective it can be – sales@zulumedia.com.au

Want something higher quality? Click here for 4K Ultra HD TV Commercials.

